Desire at the Lake

Avoiding her was difficult, ignoring her impossible, and dreaming about her became inevitable.


Anna Decker had been put on this earth to tease me and tempt me, but I was stronger than that.

When her mean boss wisely left town, I might have had a little to do with it. Or, maybe more than a little.

I hadn’t considered that Anna might end up out of a job she couldn’t afford to lose. Or, worse yet, living in my garage.

Hurricane Anna quickly upended my very ordered life. She taught me that even the strongest tree couldn’t survive every storm.



Everything fell apart when my boss, Lee Pollock disappeared.

Without a job and kicked out of my company-provided apartment, I needed a place to stay.

Why did it have to turn out that the place I landed was Waylon Benson’s converted garage?

We all have regrets. Breaking up with him years ago had been my biggest.

Now, this close to him every day the chemistry between us couldn’t be denied.

Combustion becomes more inevitable with each day I spend around him. The only question is will I survive the heat?

When I finally find my way into his embrace, it becomes the one place I feel safe.


Waylon is arrested for the murder of my ex-boss.

The disappearance of Lee Pollock becomes a murder investigation that forces unfair choices.

Check out Temptation at the Lake today and see if love can find a way.

The Clear Lake Series follows the backcountry Benson family as they deal with a murder mystery that ensnares them, and destroys the tranquility surrounding Clear Lake.

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About the Book
Author: Erin Swann
Series: Clear Lake
Genre: Romantic Suspense
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